The objective of this policy is to attain and maintain high standards of health and safety performance throughout Groundfix Ltd.  All persons conducting activities under the name of Groundfix Ltd will adhere to this Health & Safety Policy.

The company has identified and will meet or exceed relevant H&S legal (and other) requirements applicable to its activities, in particular the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated Regulations.  

The Company is committed to continual improvement in H&S performance and to preventing injury, ill-health or dangerous occurrences, so far as is reasonably practicable, by:

  • Demonstrating a visible management commitment to high standards of health and safety performance and the promotion of a positive health and safety culture throughout the Company;
  • Providing and maintaining a safe working environment that is without risk to health, together with adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees;
  • Providing and maintaining plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health;
  • Providing and maintaining means of access to and egress from the workplace that are safe and without risk;
  • Having in place adequate arrangements for the regular assessment of work activities in order to identify related hazards and to control associated risks;
  • Having in place effective systems to protect employees and other persons affected by Company activities;
  • Having in place adequate arrangements to ensure safe use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances;
  • Providing such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees of the Company;
  • Setting and regularly reviewing Objectives, Targets and Programmes to continually improve H&S performance throughout all areas of the Company.
  • Consulting with the workforce and other (including external) relevant parties on effective management of H&S during all work activities.
  • Regularly reviewing the H&S performance of the company with senior management to identify opportunities to improve

GF001 H&S Statement of Intent -  Version 1 - Format Reviewed 01 Oct 2019

Download Health & Safety Statement of Intent


Groundfix Ltd considers environmental management to be of prime importance and is fully committed to continual improvement of environmental performance and the prevention of pollution.  As such the Company shall work with all relevant parties towards achieving this goal.

All persons conducting activities under the name of Groundfix Ltd will adhere to this Environmental Policy.

The company shall:

  • Identify, and meet or exceed all legal and other requirements, codes of practice and regulations applicable to its environmental aspects; 
  • Identify and manage those environmental aspects and impacts to minimise harm;
  • Organise operations in order to minimise pollution and disturbance to neighbours and the general public;
  • Provide assistance, training and information that may be necessary to personnel at all levels;
  • Use materials and resources efficiently and with regard to long-term sustainability;
  • Apply the 'waste hierarchy' and meet the waste management duty of care at all times;
  • Develop and implement appropriate emergency preparedness and response plans;
  • Set and regularly review objectives, targets and programmes to assist in improving environmental performance across the company;
  • Audit environmental performance on a regular basis to identify opportunities to improve.
  • Promote environmental issues and good practice, both internally and externally; and
  • Review and report on the content and implementation of this policy on a regular basis.

GF004 Integrated Management Book - Version 1 - Format Reviewed 01 Oct 2019

Download Environmental Policy Statement of Intent


Groundfix Ltd is a civil engineering company seeking to provide all customers with a satisfactory product and service, and strives to exceed customer expectations.

The company is committed to:

  • Establishing, implementing and maintaining a quality management system to meet or exceed the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Meeting or exceeding all legal and other requirements applicable to its operations and activities, including customer requirements
  • Communicating the requirements of the system throughout the business and ensuring relevant competence and training is provided where required
  • Regular monitoring of the quality management system to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the organization and its customers
  • Listening to the customer to ensure that their needs are fully understood and taken into account in all areas of its work
  • Regularly monitoring and measuring its performance in key areas in order to identify opportunities to improve
  • Setting objectives, targets and programmes based on results of monitoring, to facilitate continuous improvement in priority areas
  • Regularly reviewing progress against these objectives
  • Allocating appropriate corrective and preventive action where nonconformities have been identified
  • Strategically and operationally reviewing performance at regular intervals

GF003 Quality Statement of Intent - Version 1 - Format Reviewed 01 Oct 2019

Download Quality Policy Statement of Intent